Austin Filmmeet super sized and growing

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing a great idea grow from a concept to a major networking event in Austin.  The event is no other than Austin Film Meet, a film industry networking event that takes place the first Monday of every month at the Stomping Grounds (South Austin). Here is how theContinue reading “Austin Filmmeet super sized and growing”

Why we do more than screening films with members-Coffee Meet-n-Greets

  Austin Documentary Fans Coffee-Meet Once or twice a month we meet with members from the group.  It is especially nice to meet new members who know little about the group.  This event allows us the chance to really understand Austin Documentary Fans, what we are all about, talk about documentaries we love and planContinue reading “Why we do more than screening films with members-Coffee Meet-n-Greets”

Supporting Austin Film Meet on the first Monday’s of the month

Come rain or shine a dedicated loyal  group of Austin’s indie filmmakers, actors, screenwriters, animators and more  come together to promote their events,  work, new projects and talents.  This mixer takes place the first Monday of each month at 7:00PM sharp at a room on the side of ” Stomping Grounds,” a South Austin pub.  Continue reading “Supporting Austin Film Meet on the first Monday’s of the month”